Thursday, 26 October 2017

13:00 - 13:30

[FASHION TENT] - BINHouse supported by MANDIRI ART presents "DI SINI PERTIWI"

Thursday, 26 October 2017

13:00 - 13:30


Kontribusi Obin atau Josephine Werratie Komara terhadap mode Indonesia tak ternilai harganya. Adaptasi serta inovasinya terhadap kain tradisional Indonesia meleburkan unsur seni dan desain, dan membawa relevansi tradisi budaya Indonesia ke era modern.

Misi BINhouse untuk mengangkat dan mempopulerkan produk batik ke segmen pasar yang beragam mendorong label ini untuk terus berinovasi. Lebih dari sekadar produsen batik, BINhouse juga telah berhasil membuka mata dunia terhadap keindahan budaya Indonesia serta mengingatkan kita semua untuk mengembalikan makna pada pekerjaan tangan.

Museum Kain yang berlokasi di Beachwalk Shopping Center, Bali, merupakan bukti komitmen Obin untuk terus mendidik dan melestarikan tradisi kain Indonesia. Bukti dukungan Obin terhadap industri mode Indonesia juga direalisasikan melalui partisipasinya dalam ajang Jakarta Fashion Week 2016.

Tahun ini ia kembali hadir mempersembahkan sebuah koleksi yang bertajuk "Di Sini Pertiwi". Mulai dari teknik padu-padan hingga konsep show, peragaan busana Obin akan menghadirkan energi dan kegembiraan yang tak pernah gagal mengundang tepuk tangan para hadirin.


Obin, or Josephine Werratie Komara has made countless major contributions to Indonesia’s fashion scene. Her adaptation and innovation she broght to traditional Indonesian fabrics, fusing elements of art and design continues to bring relevance to Indonesian traditional cultures in the modern era.            

BINhouse makes it a mission to elevate and popularize batik products to diverse market segments, simultaneously pushing the label itself to make continuous innovations. Putting themselves more than just a batik manufacturer, BINhouse also have successfully opened the world's eyes to the beauty of Indonesian culture and reminds us all to restore the meaning and importance of handicraft products. BINHouse’s Museum Tekstil located in the Beachwalk Shopping Center, Bali is a testament to the commitment Obin has to continue to educate and preserve the existing tradition of Indonesian textiles and clothing.
Obin also proves her constant dedication to the Indonesian fashion industry by regularly participating in Jakarta Fashion Week. This year, she is about to present a new collection, titled "Di Sini Pertiwi". Thanks to the creative presentations and solid, entertaining concepts, Obin’s fashion shows always deliver such energy and excitement that never fails to attract the joy of the audiences.

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